You can call me Ariel

I’m sore. Black and blue splotches cover my legs. I’ve been beaten and abused. But it’s my fault. I did it to myself. I mean, it’s not like anyone forced me to ride that mechanical bull. I climbed on by myself, with an overly optimistic smile. A smile that turned into fits of laughter when … Continue reading

Where have I been? EVERYWHERE!

Wow – where do I start? The last few weeks have been a blur. A crazy, exhausting, nonstop blur of events that have seemed to both fly by and last forever. (How is that even possible?) There’s no way to accurately describe everything that’s happened since my last post, but here are the highlights: After … Continue reading

Saturday ramblings…

Okay — I know that until this week, we haven’t really had any cold weather in the south, but after the last three days, I’m officially ready for spring. I hate being cold!! Can we please bring back the tank tops and flip-flops….? I was in Destin Thursday and Friday for a conference, and as … Continue reading

Focus, Heather. Focus.

I can’t seem to get with it today… I’m not tired, but my mind is being lazy. I keep looking out the window at this gorgeous, sunny day (our second one in a row) and wishing I was outside enjoying it, instead of sitting at my desk. It seems like it’s rained every weekend for … Continue reading

Why does it take us so long to get ready? Well, let’s see…

During one of our frequent after-work happy hours, a friend of mine and I got to talking about some of the differences between guys and girls – how we think, what we say and how we act. Then we hit a topic that lasted longer than any of those put together: how long it takes … Continue reading

The least used crayon in the box?

Do y’all remember preschool? I do. And if I remember correctly, it was a lot of fun. We made Indian headdresses, noodle necklaces and messy pictures that involved glitter and glue. And we learned how to color inside the lines. Our parents could keep all of our wonderful works of art, displaying the best and … Continue reading